Modern Barber Shop Services

Refined Elegance Meets Modern Mastery

Step into the realm of modern grooming mastery at Cosmo Latino Barberia Y Sala De Belleza, where we pride ourselves on curating an extensive range of services tailored to clients of all ages. Situated in the heart of Galloway, OH, our establishment is a beacon of classic sophistication fused seamlessly with contemporary flair, offering an unparalleled barber shop experience.

Our seasoned barbers wield expertise in various haircutting techniques within our walls, ranging from the understated elegance of low fades to the bold statements of high fades. Whether you’re inclined towards a sleek and subtle style or crave the edgy allure of a medium fade, our skilled artisans meticulously craft each cut to perfection. With precision and panache, we ensure that every client departs with a hairstyle that reflects their individuality and exudes confidence and charm.

For those who cherish their facial hair as much as their mane, our beard styling services are a testament to our dedication to detail. From sculpting immaculate contours to refining unruly growth, our barbers are adept at transforming facial hair into works of art. Embrace your style with our range of beard styles, tailored to accentuate your features and complement your aesthetic.

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Transform Your Look

Are you seeking to elevate your grooming routine to new heights? Indulge in our facial cleansing treatments to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. Our skincare specialists deliver a refreshing cleanse with expert care and premium products that leave you feeling invigorated and radiant.

But the artistry continues beyond there. For those who dare to be different, our beard painting services offer a daring twist on traditional grooming. Whether you want to make a bold statement or experiment with a new hue, our skilled artisans utilize top-quality products to achieve stunning, head-turning results.

At Cosmo Latino Barberia Y Sala De Belleza, we understand that grooming is more than just a routine—a form of self-expression. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and attention to detail, we strive to provide an unforgettable experience that leaves you feeling empowered and ready to conquer the world. Join us today and discover the transformative power of modern grooming done right.



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Business hours

Monday – Sunday10:00 AM – 8:00 PM





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